聯合知識庫 / BDL 簡介 / 工程學庫簡介

The Engineering Research Collection


期刊 Journals

1.霧化與噴灑Atomization and Sprays │ 簡介

2.複合材料:力學、計算和應用Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications, An International Journal

3.國際計算熱科學期刊Computational Thermal Sciences │ 簡介

4.生物醫學工程評論綜述™Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering

5.熱導管科學與技術Heat Pipe Science and Technology, An International Journal

6.熱傳導研究Heat Transfer Research │ 簡介

7.高溫材料加工High Temperature Material Processes (An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes)│ 簡介

8.國際多尺度計算工程期刊International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering │ 簡介

9.國際不確定性量化期刊International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification

10.國際能源材料和化學燃料推進期刊International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion │ 簡介

11.國際清潔環境能源期刊International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment

12.國際流體力學研究期刊International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research

13.自動化與資訊科學期刊Journal of Automation and Information Sciences

14.強化傳熱期刊Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer │ 簡介

15.流動視覺化和影像處理期刊Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing │ 簡介

16.多孔隙介質期刊Journal of Porous Media │ 簡介

17.無線電子學期刊Journal of Radio Electronics

18.婦女和少數民族科學家和工程師Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering

19.多相流動科技Multiphase Science and Technology

20.奈米力學科技Nanomechanics Science and Technology: An International Journal

21.等離子醫學Plasma Medicine

22.放射物理與電波天文學期刊Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy

23.多孔隙介質專題評論Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal

24.電信和無線電工程Telecommunications and Radio Engineering

25.俄羅斯空氣動力研究中心學報TsAGI Science Journal

26.機械製程視覺化Visualization of Mechanical Processes │ 簡介


1. 能量與程序整合Energy and Process Integration

2. 氣液流動Gas-Liquid Flows

3. 微管的傳熱與流動Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microchannels

4. 擴散傳熱Heat Transfer in Dispersions

5. 熱傳導的數學原理Mathematical Principles of Heat Transfer

6. 實用熱傳導Practical Heat Transfer

7. 實用空氣冷卻熱交換器之散熱設計Practical Thermal Design of Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers

8. 實用殼管式熱交換器之散熱設計Practical Thermal Design of Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

9. 焚化系統的輻射轉移:原理與應用Radiative Transfer in Combustion Systems: Fundamentals and Applications

10. 熱輻射基本原理Thermal Radiation Fundamentals

11. 高溫高壓下純液體和含水系統的熱物性Thermophysical Properties of Pure Fluids and Aqueous Systems at High Temperatures and High Pressures

12. 多相流動的高階計算方法之驗證Validation of Advanced Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow


1. 《熱百科》THERMOPEDIA™ A-to-Z Guide to Thermodynamics, Heat & Mass

2. 《全球核子實驗彙編》The Catalog of Worldwide Nuclear Testing – Online

3. 《熱交換器設計手冊》Heat Exchanger Design Handbook – Online

4. 《全球熱、流體力學與工程專家名錄》Worldwide Directory of Specialists in


1. 《傳熱年鑑》Annual Review of Heat Transfer

2. 《微納米纖維的靜電紡絲:分離和過濾製程原理》Electrospinning of Micro- and Nanofibers: Fundamentals in Separation and Filtration Processes


4. 《第13屆國際傳熱大會年報》International Heat Transfer Conference 13